

Another Year for the Books.


Kenya has seen many difficulties this year. As we write this, it has been just hours since a neighborhood in the city of Nairobi was attacked by the terrorist group al-Shabaab. They've faced drought and army worms which ate up most of their corn crop, followed by flooding which destroyed what crops were left. But God, in part through you, has helped sustain the lives of hundreds of children this year. Not only have their lives been sustained but so many of them are thriving in their own community which is our vision for them. This year we saw families reunited and began the process of reconnecting others. It is a powerful thing to foster forgiveness and reconciliation in a family. While many haven't been able to go home, we will always make that our ultimate goal. In the meantime, they're growing to impact their communities and places they call home. They are learning how to be a part of a family again, how to sit in class, work hard, and do better. So many of the kids that come to us have faced years of physical and verbal abuse, addictions, and a sense of being invisible. Unlearning that mentality takes practice and determination; something that you help them do just simply by caring enough to support them.

So, from all of us, to all of you, THANK YOU!


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